‘Outlander’ Begins Filming in Kilmarnock

*Spoiler Alert: If you would rather not see anything of Outlander season two that has not been officially released, skip this post.  There is a spoiler in this post in relation to a character.*

BTS Dean Castle Caitriona Sam S2

Outlander has begun filming in Kilmarnock, Scotland, specifically Dean Castle & Country Park.  This is a continuation of season two filming.  It is unknown if this is filming for the last two episodes, or those previously filming.  Caitriona Balfe, Sam Heughan, and Gary Lewis can be seen in the below photos.

Click here to learn more about the location and Dean Castle.

Update (12/15/2015): New photos added to the bottom of the post, including one with Nell Hudson (Laoghaire). She’s back!

Lucky Allison!  Love the look on her face!


Source: Daily Record, Allison O’Neill, Dawn Marie, West FM News, Colin Duff, Kate Wallace